Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Musician in the Making

My daughter was just playing around in the kitchen, as usual, and she put a small plastic wrapping on her head as a hat. Then she got a yogurt container and water bottle from our recycle box. She started banging the yogurt container with the water bottle and she was making the beat to the 'Everybody Conga' song. It was priceless. I ran to get my camera, but she ran after me and she didn't do it anymore. I need to have my camera with me at all times if I want to capture these spontaneous moments.


Karen Jensen said...

I am thinking I need a really good camera attached to the ear piece of my glasses, so I can just snap whenever I see "the picture." I find that even carrying a camera in my purse is not good enough to catch great moments.

Annabanana said...

Hiya! Thanks to the NaBloPoMo Randomizer, I've tagged you for the 7 things meme! Visit my blog for details: