Monday, June 16, 2008

When Given Time

I'll have some time off this summer to do whatever I please.  My daughter will be in preschool a few days a week, so I'll even have some uninterrupted time to myself.  People ask me what I will do with all that time.  I feel like I need to do something significant so I don't waste that time.  I do have some news tasks and projects I am anxious to get to.  This free time is like a gift.  I can get a head start before I have to go back to my busy schedule.  

But what I want to remember most is that I need to find a balance between goals and enjoying life without deadlines or pressure.   

My life is usually so rush rush that I don't usually stop to enjoy the little things.  My daughter is great at reminding me of this with her love of nature.  Is it so wrong to just stop and BE for a bit?  It's not that I want to get out of doing things (well, maybe a little).  My accomplishments don't have to define me.  I want to recharge my batteries so I see life the way my daughter does. Appreciating the small miracles and allowing thoughts and questions to flow.  Enjoying every moment for what is, instead of what "should" be done.  Not all day every day, but just stopping from time to time.   Balance and moderation.