Saturday, November 17, 2007

City Noise - Draft

I live in an urban area in Southern California. There are mostly single-family homes around here. Outside noise surrounds us. First off, it is common to hear helicopters on the weekends. Then there is the ambulance. I haven't figured out exactly which house it is coming from, but there is a garage band that plays all the time. They are not that great, so I don't enjoy hearing them. Right now I can hear some music, maybe a bass playing. It actually sounds pleasant, so I don't mind it.

Of course, I can hear my neighbors from time to time. Sometimes I can hear their joy through laughter and singing. Sometimes they argue and I can't help but want to know what it's all about. (Yes, I am nosy!) I don't really know them. We'll smile and say hello, but it ends there. I have a reputation for being aloof.

The sounds tell stories. I can hear cars speed up and race by that express aggression and impatience. Dogs bark and make me wonder if it is danger they sense or just a cat that they see. I can hear the pulse of the city. It stops. It starts. It gets louder. I can close the windows, doors, and my eyes. I can even put on my headphones and listen to blaring music. But the noise, the cacophony of life, streams down the veins of the city and must be heard.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm more in suburban southern california, but I know what you mean. We hear the fire trucks (preceded by howling dogs) and wonder where they're headed... I always wonder what our neighbors hear of us, and what they think as a result!