Monday, November 5, 2007


I did manage to go to the gym on Saturday. If I can go at least 3 times this week, I'll feel accomplished. Finding the time and energy to go is another story.

My hubby has been cooking dinner more often, and he always goes to the grocery store when we need it. I've been extra busy at work, so this has been a relief for me. My daughter is so curious about things and keeps me on my toes all the time. She hasn't started to ask "Why?" yet, but I know it is coming. My hubby and daughter keep me laughing all the time, and this keeps me going after long days. It's a crack up fest up in here!

I checked out iLike and will post up the widget thingy soon. I had planned on writing about music more often, but that has not been working out the way I wanted. It's still early in the month, though!

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